In Year 12, all RR6 students complete a probationary first month in order to confirm their place at RR6. During September all teaching staff will regularly assess students’ ability to fully understand the rigour and self-discipline needed to succeed in post-16 learning.
They must meet all deadlines for assessments, complete all homework and demonstrate the level of commitment to their studies expected at RR6 and vital to success on their chosen courses.
Where students find it challenging to do so, the pastoral team will support them in planning their use of study time more effectively and subject staff will recommend additional steps the student can take to accelerate their learning. Parents will be contacted at this time and additional support meetings arranged to discuss progress.
Any students who continue to struggle to meet the level of study required on a course may be asked to meet with their head of year to discuss changing to another subject, or will be supported in finding a more suitable post-16 place elsewhere.