Pupil Premium
The Government introduced the Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) in September 2011 with the purpose of increasing attainment and aspiration for students from disadvantaged backgrounds, specifically;
- To increase social mobility
- To enable more students to go to the top universities
- To reduce the attainment gap
- Ricards Lodge High School receives a Pupil Premium Grant for each child who is entitled to receive Free School Meals or who has been entitled over the last six years, and for Looked After Children. The school is allowed to allocate the funding as they see fit in order to meet the aims above and are held accountable for the impact of this funding.
Ricards Lodge High School spends the Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) to maximise achievement:
- Ring-fencing funding in order to ensure that the funding impacts the targeted students
- Drawing on research evidence (such as the Sutton Trust toolkit) and own evidence
- Understanding the importance of ensuring that all day-to-day teaching meets the needs of each student
- Designing additional and targeted interventions for key groups of students
- Deploying highly trained Teaching Assistants who understand their role in helping students
- Having a Designated Senior Leader who has a clear overview of spending and interventions
- Ensuring that subject teachers know which students are eligible for the PPG so that they can take responsibility for accelerating their progress
A detailed report of how we spent our funding last year to reduce the barriers to learning, and how we intend to spend the allocation for this year can be found on our policies page.