Social media

Subscribe to the school YouTube channel here.
Follow the school Instagram account: ricardslodgehsinsta
Follow the school, department and year group Twitter accounts below:
- Ricards Lodge . @RicardsTweetsDecember 20
Wishing all our school community a wonderful break and to all who celebrate a very Merry Christmas!
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- RicardsGeography . @ricardsgeogNovember 30
Bulb planting by the Env Reps this afternoon #mertongardenstreets @RicardsTweets
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- Ricards Music . @RicardsMusicDecember 20
Happy Christmas from the Music Department
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- Ricards Lodge D&T . @DT_RicardslodgeMay 12
Outstanding design and development from Taibah in @Yr9Ricards #designventura #minichallenge #zenvase #stem
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- Ricards Production . @RicardsProdMarch 27
Final Flesh rehearsal before tonight’s show. Starts at 5pm free entry! We hope to see you all there. @ricardslodge @ricardsdrama #drama
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- Ricards Careers&Studentleaders . @RicardsCareersMarch 27
A wonderful afternoon of classical music from our incredibly talented students. @RicardsTweets @RicardsMusic
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- Ricards Lodge Science . @RLHSScienceSeptember 14
Year 7 investigating variables using our stomp rockets!
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- RicardsSTEAM . @RicardsSteamJune 26
Sometimes when experiments go wrong it can still lead to fascinating results! 7ALS learning about acids, alkalis and indicators today @RicardsTweets
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- Ricards Library . @RicardslrcJune 28
#JamaicaCaribbeanWestIndiesHistory #BlackWomen #JamaicaKincaid @Ricardslrc “Friendship is a simple thing, and yet complicated; friendship is on the surface, something natural, something taken for granted, and yet underneath one could find worlds.” ― Jamaica Kincaid
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- Ricards Lodge Drama Department . @RicardsDramaDecember 08
Students wanted to perform in the dark to add to the mystery and magic of The Snow Queen. Incredible work today from our actors and props designers. @RicardsTweets @SchoolsPolka
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- Yr8Ricards . @Yr7RicardsMay 25
A great assembly this morning celebrating the achievements of our Year 7 Jack Petchey nominees and our two winners! Congratulations! @RicardsTweets
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- Yr8Ricards . @Yr8RicardsApril 20
It was a real joy to visit @RicardsTweets School recently to speak about our work! Thank you to the Yr 8s for listening so attentively, and for all of your amazing #fundraising efforts
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- Year 11 Ricards . @Yr11RicardsMay 11
Later today, the yr11s are signed off They turned out with the shirts! Class of 2023
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