A Danish Visit
On Wednesday 1st March Wimbledon was an international destination again. But for once this wasn't due to a famous tennis tournament.
No, for the students at Ricards Lodge, this was something even more exciting. We had a visit from Learnmark Step 10 School in Horsens, Denmark. 25 Danish students and their 3 teachers spent the morning with us experiencing life in an English school.
After touring the school and visiting lessons, they took part in a ‘speed dating’ activity which got the students from both countries chatting to each other and looking at the similarities and differences between everyday life at secondary school in the two countries. The Danish students were fascinated by the fact that in the UK you don't call teachers by their first names and the Ricards students were equally amazed that there is no such thing as school uniform in Denmark! Comments from our students included; "I didn't realise schools were so different in other countries. I thought they were the same everywhere!", "It's amazing that Danish students speak such good English" and "I'm glad we don't have to start school at 7.45am!".
From a cultural and outward-looking perspective both sets of students learnt a lot, and it was an enriching experience for all involved. It was a hugely successful visit and the Danish students (and their teachers) were extremely impressed with all aspects of our school. We all have an open invitation to visit their school in Horsens, Denmark!