Aims, Ethos & Values
At Ricards Lodge our vision is to ‘Educate Successful Women of the Future’. To achieve this we have 4 overarching aims which are:
- To ensure that all our students are able to take full and equal places as women; who take opportunities and assume responsibility in a changing global society
- To deliver to all our students a broad, balanced and flexible curriculum
- To provide a stimulating, secure and purposeful environment in which each student is motivated to strive for excellence
- To work together in an effective partnership with RR6, parents and carers and the wider community.
We identified five values which underpin all our work. These are;
- We Aspire
- We are Resilient
- We are Compassionate
- We champion Equality
- We work Together
These are embedded in an ethos in which we build student confidence, integrity and excellence in a caring, happy school community so that our students can leave us having been given the best possible chance of achieving their full potential.
Why have School Values?
Our school values help to create the ethos and culture in which they operate. These values help to instil in students the characteristics that will help them to become successful and valuable members of the school community and the wider society. We want each of our school values to be demonstrated daily by staff and students.